Friday, May 11, 2007

Wacko Italians... Ferrari Employees Go On Strike For A Day

Weird Week At Ferrari: Voted No.1 Great Place To Work In Europe, Then Workers Strike For A Day


Italy and Italians are universally regarded as a… challenging bunch in some senses. One of these is their love of national and local strikes.

But imagine if your company was awarded the prestigious recognition of “No.1 Great Place to Work in Europe” out of the top 100 on May 3rd, and then the same workers who helped earn you the award walk out on May 4th with a long list of protests. Welcome to a day in the life of Italian industry.

The Great Place to Work Institute in Europe evaluates such items as investment in the workplace atmosphere and facilities, concern for worker benefits and training for advancement, and supplier relations. Over one thousand companies take part in this annual affair.

So, no sooner has Ferrari nabbed this than union members of the RSU (Rappresentanza Sindacale Unitaria - i.e. Unified Labor Delegation more or less) schedule a walk out to address several eternal disgruntlings, among them pay discrimination, overemployment of non-contractual and non-union workers, too much overtime, workplace safety, lack of adequate employee parking, and suffering product quality due to company priorities straying from such core values (OUCH!).

Regarding that last point, do you agree? Remember, it’s not design or horsepower in question here, but overall product quality. Write us a comment whether you own one, have owned one, or just been driven in one.

+ WINDING ROAD: Ferrari Voted Best Place To Work In Europe

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