Monday, June 25, 2007

Liability in Hammond crash falls on dragster maker, BBC

Hammond report finds safety failings
Reuters, 23/06/07

The 37-year-old TV presenter suffered serious brain injuries and was in hospital for five weeks after a Vampire drag racer he was driving burst a tyre and span off the course at 288 mp/h (463 km/h) at Elvington airfield near York in September 2006.
He has since recovered and returned to work.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) also criticised the company that provided the jet powered modified drag racer, Primetime Landspeed Engineering (PTLE).
It said a risk assessment PTLE provided to the BBC made no allowance for training a driver such as Hammond who was unfamiliar with the super powered vehicle.
In a report the HSE said: "The training available to Richard Hammond would have familiarised him with the working of the car but would not have allowed him to build up the skills which he could readily employ in the event of an emergency."
It said the BBC had failed to challenge the adequacy of PTLE's risk assessment.
Principal HSE Inspector Keith King said: "The investigation identified failings in the BBC's safety management systems relating to risk assessment and the procurement of services from others, and by PTLE in their risk assessment for the services provided to the BBC."
But he concluded that the failings viewed against the HSE's enforcement criteria did not merit prosecution.
The report said several safety features almost certainly saved Hammond's life, including the strong build of the Vampire racer, the design of the driver restraints, the crash helmet and rescue services on site at the airfield.

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